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Amazon PPC Competitor Analysis Tool

Improve your PPC on Amazon with our competitor research tool. Benchmark your sales, price, and promotions with real-time data about your top competitors’ listings. Use Trellis’ Amazon PPC tools to maximize your growth.

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Frequently asked questions

Why should I track my competitors on Amazon?

Tracking your competitors on Amazon can provide you with several valuable insights and benefits. Here are some reasons why tracking your competitors on Amazon can be beneficial:


  1. Market Intelligence: Monitoring your competitors allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the market dynamics, trends, and customer preferences. By observing their product offerings, pricing strategies, and customer reviews, you can identify potential opportunities and adjust your own strategies accordingly.


  2. Pricing and Positioning: Tracking your competitors’ pricing strategies helps you stay competitive and ensures that your prices are in line with market standards. If you notice a competitor offering a similar product at a lower price, you can evaluate your pricing strategy and make adjustments to remain competitive. Additionally, by analyzing how competitors position their products, you can identify gaps or areas where you can differentiate and stand out.


  3. Advertising and Marketing Strategies: Tracking your competitors’ advertising and marketing efforts on Amazon can give you ideas and inspiration for your own campaigns. By observing their sponsored product ads, keywords, and promotional activities, you can refine your own advertising strategy and improve your visibility within the marketplace.

Keeping an eye on your competitors helps you stay ahead of the curve. If you notice a new product or a unique marketing approach from a competitor, you can assess its impact on the market and determine if it’s something you should consider implementing or countering. This proactive approach allows you to maintain or gain a competitive advantage in your niche.


Overall, tracking your competitors on Amazon provides you with valuable market intelligence, helps you adjust your strategies, enhances your product offerings, and positions you for success in a highly competitive online marketplace.

How do I find competitors on Amazon?

Finding competitors on Amazon involves conducting thorough research and analysis.

Start by identifying the main keywords relevant to your product or industry. Use Amazon’s search bar to enter these keywords and see which products appear in the search results. These products are likely to be your competitors. Pay attention to both the sponsored listings, coupon, deals and organic search results.  (Link to our keyword search tool)

Explore the digital shelf in which your product belongs and browse through the listings. Look for products that have similarities or overlap with your offerings. These are your direct or indirect competitors. Trellis provides category browsing options that allow you to navigate through various product categories and subcategories.  (Link to a Digital Shelf blog?)  

Should I price match competitors to improve my PPC on Amazon?

Pricing strategies depend on various factors and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to whether you should price match your competitors on Amazon. Here are the top 3 considerations to help you make an informed decision:


  1. Competitive Landscape: Assess the competitive landscape on Amazon. If your competitors are consistently offering lower prices and you find it difficult to differentiate your product based on other factors, matching their prices may be necessary to remain competitive and attract customers. However, if you offer unique value, superior quality, or additional features that justify a higher price, you may not need to match their prices directly.

  2. Profit Margin: Evaluate your profit margins and financial goals. Price matching can lead to lower profit margins, especially if your costs are higher than your competitors. Analyze your costs, including manufacturing, FBA and other Amazon Feed, to ensure that you can sustain your business while still remaining competitive.  Use our pricing {Link to Pricing tool) to understand your optimal pricing strategy.

  3. Promotions and Discounts: Instead of consistently matching prices, you can use promotional offers, discounts, or bundle deals to attract customers and create perceived value. These temporary pricing strategies can be effective in driving sales while maintaining your regular prices.

By combining these methods, you can compile a list of your competitors on Amazon. It’s important to regularly monitor and update your competitor analysis as the marketplace dynamics can change over time.

Should I create Promotions on Amazon?

Creating deals or coupons on Amazon can be an effective strategy to attract customers, increase conversions, and drive sales. Deals and coupons offer tangible benefits to shoppers and can differentiate yourselves from competitors.

Deals and coupons create a sense of urgency and incentivize customers to make a purchase. By offering limited-time discounts or promotional prices, you can motivate potential buyers who may have been hesitant to take the plunge. Deals and coupons can capture the attention of bargain hunters and deal seekers, drawing them towards your product over competitors. Moreover, the presence of a deal or coupon can enhance your product’s visibility on Amazon, as shoppers often filter their searches to display only items with active promotions.

Using deals or coupons effectively on Amazon can stimulate sales, attract new customers, and increase brand visibility. By strategically offering discounts and promotional prices, you can create the opportunity to showcase the quality and benefits of your product to a broader audience. Satisfied customers who purchased your product through a deal or coupon may leave positive reviews, which can further enhance your product’s reputation and attract future buyers.

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3 reasons to run promos using our PPC tools.


Beat the competition

Promotions are a powerful tool for increasing your market share. Well-timed deals deter competition from entering your market— while some companies even choose to sell their products at a loss to prevent new players from entering their market. When roles are switched, a good deal could be a king-maker and help you dethrone a close competitor. 


Increase Sales Velocity

By leveraging discounts and coupons, reduce hesitancy and undercut your competitors. Running promotions allows sellers to heighten the sense of value customers get. When provided over a limited time your create a sense of urgency compounding the effects of the promo. 

Using our competitor analysis tool, see what promotional opportunities the market can support. Gain information to leverage moments when the market is hot, competition is low, and inventory is high. 


Organic growth

There is a strong correlation between sales volume and organic rank on Amazon as strong sales history indicates to Amazon that you are a brand that their users love. 

By using promotions, you jump-start a snowball effect. You become more prominent to Amazon customers generating traffic and sales. Amazon will see this attention and place you higher in organic listings snowballing into more sales. 

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Augment with Amazon Dynamic Pricing and Promotion Planning modules.