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11 Amazon Keyword Tips to Increase Your Sales

11 Amazon Keyword Tips to Increase Your Sales

With millions of sellers vying for customer attention, keywords are essential for getting shoppers to find and buy what you’ve got. Using the wrong keywords on your Amazon product detail page will only attract people who don’t convert into customers. This is precisely why it is fundamental for businesses to devise a meticulous Amazon keyword research strategy and optimize it to find the right fit. 

If you’ve ever wondered how to get the most of your product listings, wonder no more! Our quick guide will teach you the fundamental tips to supercharge your Amazon keyword strategy and set the foundation for blazing Amazon PPC campaigns

The ABCs of Amazon: What is Keyword Research?

Amazon search optimization is a key part of success on Amazon. Keyword research entails searching for all relevant search terms or ‘keywords’ that customers might use when looking for your product on Amazon. 

46% of people go directly to Amazon when they’re looking for a product, and they have unique ways of conducting their product search. For example, one customer may search for television by typing in ‘television’, but another customer may specify ‘television 40-inch HD’.

Accordingly, it is possible that some customers may have an idea of why they need a product and not what the product is. For instance, if a customer looks for ‘relaxing gifts for women’ it shows that the customer’s awareness about a product’s purpose. However, if a customer searches for ‘bath sets for women’, this indicates that they have knowledge about the specific product itself. 

The Undeniable Importance of Amazon Keyword Research

When it comes to selling on Amazon, the importance of keywords is inarguable. Keywords are what make products appear in search results and drive sales. If you overlook any keyword, then your product won’t have a chance of being seen by potential customers. 

The bottom line – Amazon keyword research can help you take your business to the next level by giving yourself an edge over competitors in search results. In the world of eCommerce, having great products is not enough because if people cannot find them for the right keywords, they will never sell.

1. Set Goals for Success

If you want to be successful on Amazon, it’s important that the goals and objectives of your business are very clear. If not, then you may find yourself spinning your wheels with no real progress or success. Firstly, before diving into researching new keywords for products, determine what kind of outcome are you looking to achieve. For example, if your goal is to boost brand awareness, then your keyword strategy would be different from if you were to launch a new product

Trellis’ Top Tip: Amazon PPC strategies transform during every stage of the seller journey. Explore Beam, our free Amazon PPC strategy tool to garner strategic insights and streamline your Amazon journey.

2. Wear the Customers’ Shoes

Happy customers are your biggest advocates and your sales team! Before considering anything else, jump into the customers’ shoes and delve into understanding their behavior. Ask questions like:

  • Why do customers buy our product?
  • What kind of questions do customers ask about our product?
  • What is our customer intent?
  • What is our ideal customer profile?
  • What features do customers associate with our products?
  • What are the customers’ pain points? 

Answering these questions will help you get in the minds of those who will end up searching for your product. Explore online customer communities on platforms such as Quora, Facebook, and Reddit. This exercise will allow you to explore the latest topics in your industry and identify the keywords that are leading these conversations.

3. Scan the Competition

Your competitor’s product listings are a gold mine for keywords you may have forgotten. Skimming through your competitors’ product titles can give you some new keyword ideas which are synonymous with your business. In most cases, the product titles include the primary keywords which your competitors are targeting. Look out for those repeated phrases in the product title to create a list of keywords that can help shape your Amazon keyword strategy.

4. Let Amazon Help You

Without the right mindset, strategies, and tools at your disposal, Amazon keyword research can turn into a tedious process. Luckily, this is where Amazon steps in. Using the platform’s autocomplete function can be an easy way to find keywords. However,  this method requires patience as you would need to try various combinations. To get started, type in your product name followed by each letter in the alphabet and see if you can identify a strong pattern in Amazon’s keyword suggestions.

5. Balance Traffic and Competition with Amazon Keyword Tools

Keywords with high search volume are the most-searched terms by Amazon users for a particular product. It’s important for sellers to target these popular terms, as they have greater exposure in the marketplace and can potentially drive more customers towards your listing! 

However, here’s the tricky part – almost every seller on Amazon wants to rank for high search volume keywords. Therefore, the competition for these keywords is stiff. This is why you should strive to find the right balance between traffic and competition by targeting high volume, low competition amazon keywords. 

Trellis’ Top Tip: Gauge the competitiveness of any keyword with Matrix, the free Amazon keyword research tool by Trellis. 

Matrix is a keyword competition and research tool for Amazon which helps you find the competitiveness of any given keyword in real-time. Simply plug in the keyword in the tool, and Matrix will evaluate multiple factors within the digital shelf, including price, competition, on-sale items, ad spots, and shipping. Analyzing these factors determines how difficult it is to target the given keyword. 

Amazon Keyword Strategy for the Win!

In conclusion, If you want more sales on Amazon, the first step is to make sure your product listings are visible and discoverable. The right keywords will drive potential customers and increase conversions. However, a challenge for any seller might be finding the right combination of high, medium, and low competition keywords to target before their competition does – but thanks to keyword tools like Matrix, this task takes a few minutes. So now you can concentrate on what matters the most – growing your eCommerce business.  

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