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How to Add Videos to Amazon Product Listing

how to add videos to amazon product listing

Ever put in hours of work to create the perfect product listing on Amazon, only to find that your conversion rates are still not where you want them to be? Think of it this way—how often have you clicked on a listing that has a video and spent a little extra time watching how it works or why it’s better than other options? Well, the same goes for your potential customers. 

Videos are a great way to showcase your products, grab the viewer’s attention, and create a lasting impression of your brand. According to Animoto, 73% of U.S. adults are more likely to purchase after watching a product video. A significant number of Amazon sellers also reported a 9.7% increase in revenues after adding videos to their product listings. 

While you might think adding videos to your Amazon product listing is complicated, it’s pretty simple. All you need is a bit of knowledge and the right tools. This guide will walk you through how to add videos to your Amazon product listing and some valuable tips to help you optimize your video content.

Key takeaways

      • Amazon product videos are an effective way to communicate the value of your products and create a lasting impression on potential customers.  

      • Before creating a video, consider whether you have the skills and resources to do it yourself or if hiring a professional will be more beneficial.

      • Follow Amazon’s guidelines for creating and uploading videos, including technical requirements and content restrictions. 

      • Quality is crucial when it comes to video resolution and sound. Invest in good equipment and test your video on different devices to ensure it looks and sounds great.

      • Keep your videos short and engaging to tell a story that resonates with your target audience. This will help your video stand out and create a connection with viewers. 

    How to add a video to your Amazon product listing: a step-by-step guide

    Adding a video to your Amazon product listing is a straightforward process that can be done in just five steps. Here’s how:

    Step 1: Log in to Amazon Seller Central

    Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account using your registered email address and password.

    Step 2: Navigate to upload and manage videos

    Click the “Catalog” tab and select “Upload & Manage Videos” from the dropdown menu.

    Step 3: Click “upload video”

    On the “Manage Videos” page, click the “Upload Video” button.

    Choose the video file from your computer and click the “Open” or “Choose File” button to upload it. Once uploaded, you’ll be asked to provide additional information, such as the product title and ASIN.

    Step 4: Choose your product ASIN

    In the “Choose ASIN” section, select the product you want to add to the video by entering its ASIN or using the search bar.

    Step 5: Click submit

    Finally, click on the “Submit” button to complete the process. Amazon will review your video, which should appear on your product listing within two days. 

    An African-American man working in front of his laptop.

    Where does my video appear on Amazon?

    After Amazon has approved your uploaded video, it will appear on the product detail page under “Related Video Shorts” or as a thumbnail in the Product Description section. This allows potential customers to find and watch your video while browsing your product easily.

    However, it is essential to note that Amazon only allows a maximum of six visuals, including videos and images, per product listing. Videos added to the product image block and the “Amazon Video Shorts” section also count toward this total. As a best practice, consider adding multiple videos to improve your chances of appearing in search results.

    Why are Amazon videos important?

    With numerous sellers and seemingly countless products in the Amazon marketplace, you have limited time to grab a potential customer’s attention and convince them to purchase. Besides having a well-detailed product title, a detailed SEO-optimized description, and high-quality images, videos can make all the difference. Here are a few reasons why Amazon videos should be an integral part of your product listings:

        • Videos are easily digestible: A short 30- or 45-second video can convey much more information than a lengthy product description. This makes it easier for customers to understand your product and its features quickly. According to Invespcro, 60% of consumers say they would rather watch a product video than read a product description. Furthermore, most consumers prefer videos as they are a more convenient way to obtain information.

        • Videos are engaging: The combination of sound and motion makes videos more interesting and attention-grabbing than static images. This encourages viewers to engage with your video by clicking on it, watching it till the end, and even learning more about your product. This, in turn, can lead to more conversions and sales.

        • Videos build trust and credibility: A professionally made video can bridge the gap between physical and virtual shopping by providing customers with an in-store-like experience. Seeing someone use and interact with your product gives customers a sense of its quality and functionality, which may not be conveyed through specifications and descriptions alone.

        • Videos improve SEO: Uploading videos on Amazon means you create more content for your product listing. This can help boost your search engine rankings and attract more potential customers to your page. Additionally, videos have higher engagement rates than images or text-only listings, which can further improve your SEO. 

        • Videos increase conversions: Ultimately, the goal of any product listing is to drive sales. A video on your product page can significantly increase your chances of converting potential customers into buyers. By providing a 360-degree view of your product, features, and uses, you can help customers make informed decisions, resulting in higher sales.  

      Tips for using videos for Amazon product listings

      Before taking videos for your Amazon product listing, there are several vital things you should consider. First, can you create the video yourself? If yes, ensure you use high-definition (HD) cameras to produce crystal clear videos that do not pixelate when viewed on larger screens. 

      If you aren’t comfortable with your skills behind the camera, working with professional videographers can ensure you get a high-quality video that enhances your product listing. 

      Additionally, take a look at what your competitors are doing and identify various strategies you can learn from them. This will help you plan for and create a compelling and engaging video that showcases your product in the best possible way.

      Ensure that you follow Amazon’s guidelines when creating and uploading your videos. This includes not using copyrighted material, avoiding offensive content, and adhering to the technical requirements for video size, length, and format.  

      Here are some other valuable tips to help you create compelling videos for your Amazon product listings.

      1. Keep it relevant

      When creating a video for your product listing, it’s essential to keep it relevant. This means focusing on your product’s main features, benefits, and uses while avoiding getting sidetracked by unrelated information or visuals. Remember that the video should complement your product listing and provide additional information that might not be easily conveyed through text or images.

      Additionally, ensure that the tone and style of your video match your brand and product. A professional and consistent approach will help build trust and credibility with potential customers. To help you stay relevant yet create unique content, here are four essential elements that your video should have:

          • The hook:  A product video should have a strong opening that grabs the viewers’ attention and encourages them to continue watching. Think of your target audience and what message will resonate with them. Or, start with a problem that your product solves and hint at the solution. What draws shoppers to keep watching will also make them want to know more about your product.

          • The message: Your video should have a clear and concise message highlighting your product’s main benefits, features, and uses. Use simple language and visuals to help viewers understand exactly what your product is about, how it works, why they need it, and how it can improve their lives. Avoid using technical or complicated jargon that can confuse potential customers.

          • Show, don’t just tell: You can create two types of videos for your Amazon product listing: demonstrative and descriptive. Regardless of your choice, showing your product in action is essential rather than just talking about it. This way, viewers can see how the product works, its relative size and dimensions, and how it can be used in real-life situations. This is also an excellent opportunity to highlight unique features or benefits that may not be evident from static images.

          • The call-to-action: A strong call-to-action can make all the difference in converting viewers into customers. This could be asking them to click a link to learn more, add the product to their cart, or even purchase. Make sure your call-to-action is clear and easy for viewers to follow so they can take immediate action after watching your video. 

        By keeping these elements in mind, you can ensure that your video stays relevant and is engaging for potential customers who click on your product listing.

        A perspective shot of an Amazon building showing the parking lot against the blue sky.

        2. Brand your content

        It’s essential to give your video an identity that reflects your brand and to create a lasting impression with viewers. It is not just about adding your logo or brand colors but also using consistent messaging and tone throughout the video. This helps build familiarity with potential customers and makes your brand more memorable. 

        For example, if you’re selling fitness products, your video can have a high-energy and motivational tone. If you’re selling luxury items, your video should exude sophistication and elegance. Incorporating your brand name or tagline in the video can help reinforce your brand’s identity. 

        Properly branding your videos can also protect them from being used by others without proper attribution. This is especially important if you’re working with a professional videographer or using stock footage for your videos. 

        3. Use proper video format

        Amazon has specific requirements for video format, size, length, and other technical elements. Complying with these guidelines is crucial to ensure your videos are accepted and displayed correctly on your product listing. Here are some key specifications to keep in mind when creating your Amazon product listing videos: 

            • Aspect ratio: 16:9

            • Resolution: 1280 x 720px, 1920 x 1080px, or 3840 x 2160px (4K)

            • Frame rate: 23.976, 24,25,29.97,29.98 or 30 frames per second (fps)  

          Note: Amazon recommends using a standard frame rate of fewer than or equal to 30 fps for smoother playback. 

              • Bit rate: 1 Mbps or higher 

              • Codec: H.264 or H.265 

            Note: Amazon recommends using H.264 for better compatibility.  

                • Video length: 6 to 45 seconds (30 seconds or less is highly recommended)

                • File size: Less than 500 MB

                • File type: MP4 or MOV 

              Note: Amazon recommends using MP4 for better compatibility.  

                  • Profile: Main or baseline 

                Note: Amazon does not accept videos with high profile levels such as high or extended high. 

                    • Scan type: Progressive (not interlaced) 

                    • Video stream: 1 only 

                    • Audio sample rate: 44.1 kHz or higher 

                    • Audio codec: PCM, AAC, or MP3 with a bit rate of 96 kbps or higher 

                  Note: Amazon recommends using AAC for better compatibility.  

                      • Audio streams: Not more than 1 

                    It’s important to note that Amazon may reject your video if it does not meet these specifications. Therefore, ensure you have the correct resolution, aspect ratio, and other settings before uploading your video to your product listing. This will save you time and effort in creating new videos repeatedly. 

                    4. Keep the video short

                    While you may be tempted to include all the information about your product in one video, it’s best to keep it short and focused. According to research, viewers have a short attention span and tend to lose interest if a video is too long. The recommended length for Amazon product listing videos is 30 seconds or less, but you can go up to 45 seconds if needed.  

                    However, making every second count is essential by including only the most crucial information and visuals. You can also consider creating a series of short videos if you have a lot of content to cover. This will keep viewers engaged, and they are more likely to watch multiple short videos than one long video.

                    5. Tell a story

                    Stories are powerful tools for connecting with viewers emotionally. They can create a lasting impression and make your brand more relatable and memorable. Instead of just showcasing your product’s features, create a narrative that resonates with your target audience and evokes emotions. This could be showing how your product has helped real customers in their everyday lives or highlighting the inspiration behind creating it.

                    For example, if you’re selling a skin care product like a cleanser or moisturizer, your target audience is likely someone who wants to improve their skin’s appearance and feel more confident. In your video, you could tell a story about how your product helps clear blackheads and has positively impacted one of your customers’ lives. This showcases the product’s benefits and creates an emotional connection with viewers.

                    Storytelling can help your video stand out among other product videos on Amazon. It adds a unique element that captivates viewers and drives them to choose your product over others.

                    6. Quality resolution and sound

                    High-quality and visually appealing videos can change the game for your Amazon product listing. With thousands of products competing for attention, it’s crucial to make your video stand out in terms of visual and audio quality. 

                    Ensure that your video has a resolution of at least 720p (1280×720 pixels) to provide clear visuals. Opt for 1080p or higher resolutions, if possible, for better clarity and detail. Use professional-grade camera equipment and lighting to ensure you get the best quality in the final cut. 

                    Sound quality is another important piece in creating a positive viewing experience. Invest in good-quality microphones and audio recording devices to capture clear and crisp audio for your videos. Consider adding background music or sound effects if it fits your brand and product.

                    Additionally, it’s essential to think about how your video will look and sound on different devices. Try test-viewing your video on a computer, tablet, and cellphone to ensure it looks and sounds good across all platforms. A professional video editor can help you achieve the best results where resizing and improving the video is necessary.

                    An Amazon parcel found on the ground.

                    7. Comply with Amazon guidelines

                    Amazon has strict policies and guidelines for product videos to maintain the integrity of its community and ensure a positive shopping experience for customers. Like your Amazon product listing, your video must comply with these guidelines to be accepted and displayed on your product listing page. 

                    Some general rules include:

                        • Amazon product videos must be suitable for general audiences.

                        • The video must contain crucial information like your brand name or logo, product shots, and a clear representation of the advertised product.

                        • Amazon’s Prohibited Content and Claims policies must be adhered to.

                        • The video must be in the primary language of the local Amazon store where it will be displayed. 

                        • Audio must also be in the local language, but subtitles or text translations can be used if the audio is in a different language.

                        • While you can submit videos without audio, an explicit disclaimer must be included, and customers must still be able to understand the video without audio. 

                        • Avoid including content that may distract or annoy viewers, such as flashy visuals, loud noises, or urgent language intended to pressure viewers into purchasing.  

                        • Ensure your video meets all technical specifications, including resolution, aspect ratio, and audio quality.

                      While these are just some general guidelines, reviewing the complete list of Amazon’s video ad policies before uploading your video to avoid rejection or removal is essential. Violating the guidelines and policies set by Amazon could result in consequences such as video removal, suspension of access to video uploads and content tools, or even termination of your entire account.

                      8. Optimize the video description

                      Once you’ve created a high-quality and engaging video for your Amazon product listing, the next step is to optimize the video description to increase its visibility and reach. With the help of tools like our free Amazon Keyword Analyzer, you can find popular and relevant keywords to include in your video description. This will improve the chances of your video being found through search and help with Amazon’s algorithm for ranking products. Additionally, include any relevant product information or links in the video description for potential customers to access quickly.

                      Some tips for optimizing your video description include:

                          • Use relevant keywords in the title and description to help with search rankings.

                          • Include a brief synopsis of the video’s content and what customers can expect to see in the video.

                          • Use bullet points or numbers to highlight key features or benefits showcased in the video.

                          • Mention your brand name and product name multiple times throughout the description for better recognition and recall.

                          • Add links to your product listing or other relevant pages, such as your brand’s website or social media accounts.

                        9. Use a compelling thumbnail

                        The thumbnail for your video is the first thing potential customers will see before deciding whether to watch it.  Therefore, using a high-quality and eye-catching thumbnail for your Amazon product listing video is crucial.

                        Where you don’t have control over the thumbnails, Amazon automatically generates them for you. You can choose from three thumbnails that best represent your video’s content and appeal to potential customers. 

                        Some tips for creating a compelling thumbnail include:

                            • Use an image from the video that captures the product’s best features or shows its benefits.

                            • Avoid blurry or low-resolution images, which may discourage viewers from clicking on your video.

                            • Use bold and attention-grabbing fonts for any text in the thumbnail, such as the product name or brand name.

                            • Consider adding a border or frame around the thumbnail to make it stand out from other product thumbnails on Amazon’s page. 

                            •  Use contrasting colors to make the thumbnail pop and grab attention. 

                          When creating a thumbnail, remember your product’s overall aesthetic and branding to maintain consistency and create a cohesive look on your Amazon listing page. Do not include misleading or false information in the thumbnail, as this could violate Amazon’s guidelines and harm your brand’s reputation. 

                          10. Use quick jump cuts

                          When creating a video for your Amazon product listing, it’s crucial to keep the viewer engaged throughout the entire duration of the video. One way to do this is by using quick jump cuts or transitions between scenes in your video. This helps maintain a fast pace and prevents viewers from becoming bored or losing interest.

                          However, be careful not to overdo it, as too many jump cuts can also distract from the message you’re trying to convey. Instead, focus on adding strategic and well-timed jump cuts, which can help keep your viewers engaged and interested in your product.

                          11. Show close-ups

                          Another effective way to showcase your product and its features is by using close-up shots in your video. This allows potential customers to see the product details up close, giving them a better understanding of what they can expect from their potential purchase. 

                          Close-ups add visual interest and variety to your video, making it more engaging and enticing to viewers. Ensure that any close-up shots are steady, clear, and well-lit so that customers can get a good look at the product’s quality and design. 

                          You can also get better ideas of what kind of close-up shots to include by researching competitor product videos and seeing what worked well for them. Review the top-performing videos in your product’s category, and analyze what techniques they used.

                          12. Add text and captions

                          While videos are a great way to showcase your product visually, not all potential customers may have access to audio when viewing your Amazon listing. Adding text and captions can increase accessibility and ensure everyone understands and engages with your video. This could include subtitles for spoken dialogue or on-screen text descriptions of the product’s features or benefits. It’s also beneficial from an SEO standpoint, as it helps with keyword optimization. 

                          Text and captions can also be used creatively in your video to emphasize specific points or add visual interest. Ensure that any text or captions are easy to read, straightforward, and do not distract from the video’s main message. 

                          An Asian-American businesswoman working in front of her laptop at a cafe.

                          Amazon video frequently asked questions

                          Can you put videos in Amazon A+ content? 

                          As of 2018, Basic A+ Content is free for Amazon sellers in Brand Registry. It allows for additional text, larger images, and product comparison charts but does not include multimedia content such as videos. However, premium A+ Content is available for a fee and has the option to add video, image carousels, and enhanced comparative tables. 

                          Why is my video not showing in my Amazon listing?

                          It can be frustrating if you’ve uploaded a video to your Amazon product listing, but it’s not appearing on the page. If this happens, there could be several reasons why your video is not appearing on your Amazon product listing. Some possible explanations include:


                            • Your Buy Box is lost or missing: The Buy Box is the section of your product page where customers can click “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now.” If you have lost the Buy Box, your video will not appear on the listing. Sometimes, this can happen if you are a third-party seller or not eligible for “Prime” status. It could also be due to a low sales volume, poor seller rating, or product authenticity issues.
                            • There is an issue with the ASIN number: Your video may not appear on your Amazon product listing if there is inaccurate information or outdated photos associated with its ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number). Additionally, Amazon may have restricted the sale of your ASIN for various reasons.
                            • Your item has been removed from sale: Amazon may remove an item if it does not meet their standards or there are performance issues with the product. Check for any notifications or updates on your seller account that could explain why your video is not showing on your listing page. If you are still trying to figure it out, contact Amazon’s seller support for further assistance.
                            • Your video is not approved: It’s possible that Amazon has not approved your video if it isn’t showing on your product listing. This could be due to violating their guidelines or content policies, such as misleading or false information in the thumbnail. If this is the case, review and adhere to their guidelines before re-uploading your video. 
                          What video format does Amazon accept? 

                          Amazon accepts several video formats for product listings, including MP4 and MOV files. The preferred resolution is 1920×1080 pixels with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The maximum file size for videos is less than 500 GB, and the recommended length is 6 to 45 seconds. Amazon also has strict video guidelines, so review them thoroughly before uploading your video. 

                          Can we upload a video on Amazon without a brand registry?

                          Unfortunately, only sellers with a registered brand on Amazon can add videos to their product listings. This means that you cannot upload videos to your product listing if you are a third-party seller or do not have a registered brand. However, you can utilize one open option for customer review videos. 

                          Customers may submit their video reviews to your listing if you have a great product with stellar customer service and an optimized listing. Keep in mind that fake reviews to simply add a video to your listing can result in account suspension. 

                          Therefore, to enjoy the benefits of adding product videos, you can achieve A+ Content, and brand protection is best achieved by registering your brand with Amazon. 

                          How long does it take for a video to appear on my Amazon product listing?

                          After uploading your video, it can take up to 48 hours to appear on your Amazon product listing. If it has been longer than this timeframe and your video is still not showing, check for any possible issues or violations of Amazon’s guidelines. 

                          At Trellis, we understand the need for successful growth strategies in the ever-competitive world of Amazon. That’s why we use AI-powered automation software to manage advertising, optimize your product listings, and increase your market share on Amazon. Schedule a demo with us today and see how we can help your brand succeed on the Amazon marketplace.

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