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Walmart Advertising Software

By leveraging your data, our AI optimizes your Walmart ads daily. Maximize your market share, improve your catalogue productivity, and get your workforce back using Trellis’ intelligent Walmart PPC software.

Trusted by leading eCommerce brands

Why Walmart advertising software?


Expand your target market

Thrive in new marketplaces, and meet your customers everywhere.


Gain a competitive advantage

Outbid your competitors with always-on advertising optimization.


Manage more using less

Research keywords and build campaigns in seconds. No more daily analysis.


Advertise with confidence

Daily oversight with software that has been trusted by sellers everywhere.


Maximize market share with never-off keyword research and bid optimization.

Using automated keyword harvesting and campaign management, you can continuously shift with the market.

Layering in algorithmic bidding, you never spend too much on a keyword that doesn’t make sense for your ROAS goals. Grow your market share by stacking up new keyword opportunities against your search term champions.


Generate profitable growth by targeting the entire funnel.

From discovery to those ready to take action there are always new profit opportunities emerging.

We leverage your knowledge about your products, explore competing brands, and learn from your historical performance to map out the entire buyer journey. Letting you run campaigns at all levels of the funnel to start to understand how certain keywords affect your ROaS and TACoS.

Taking this data, our algorithm then promotes or relegates keywords based on how cost-effective they are.

Streamlined Campaign Management

Get your workforce back through simple workflows and actionable analytics.

Save yourself the hassle of setting up and controlling multiple campaigns, calculating bids, and analyzing keywords. Whether you’re looking to drive profit or increase market share, Trellis enables you to set up consolidated campaigns across multiple objectives. 

The platform effectively deploys and reallocates budgets between branded and generic keywords to grow total sales. It does this daily to ensure that no data point is left behind.

We grow together

Our customers have similar problems but different stories. 
We believe you can relate and write your own.

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