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Marketplace Intelligence

Collect Amazon shopper data that creates opportunities and ensures repeatable results.

Convert Data into Dollars​


Save Time

Vital analytics that matter to your brand.


Plan to Win

Understand behavior with profitable outcomes.


Discover Revenue

Find growth opportunities with your customers.


Show Your Work

Drive buy-in across all teams with specific reports.

Marketplace Intelligence


Understand your impact

Analyze your high-value keywords for average rank, overall presence, and to identify your competitors.

Address your weaknesses and find profit opportunities.

Purchase behavior

Turning loss leaders into industry leaders
Each touchpoint impacts your bottom-line. Understand your entire eCommerce pipeline from new-to-brand to repeat customers.

Identify popular new-to-brand products that create long-lasting relationships.

Your loss-leader today may be an industry-leader tomorrow.
Marketplace Intelligence
Marketplace Intelligence

Dynamic Reports

Data that drives profits
Gather a range of reports to activate your listings for ads and organic traffic.

From search-term reports to category reports get data points that drive profit.

We grow together

Our customers have similar problems but different stories. 
We believe you can relate and write your own.

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