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AI Precision + Human Intuition

Combine powerful Amazon and Walmart automation software with marketplace expertise. Maximize the profitability of every interaction in your eCommerce ecosystem.

Drive Profit With The 4Ps

Make the most of every customer interaction. Improve profits by refining your price, advertising, content, and deals.

The marketing mix on amazon

Placement (Advertising)

Benefit from smart, AI-powered eCommerce advertising.

Product Content

Optimize your content and drive higher conversions.


Harness cutting-edge software to maximize deals on Amazon.


Automate the perfect price
every day.

Automation & intelligence to help you grow profitably

Today, marketplaces have lots of data, competitors, and complexities. Trellis cuts through the clutter, optimizing your merchandising for peak profitability.

Increase in Profit Per Session (pPS)
0 %
Increase in Conversion Rate
0 %
Increase in Return on Advertising Spend (RoAS)
0 %

Saving you time and money

Collect & Segment

Aggregate and organize all of your 4P data in one place for in-depth analysis.

Merchandising Analysis

Analyze your catalog by each of the 4Ps to derive risks and opportunities individually and across all four.

Action & Measure

Activate and measure your eCommerce Merchandising through streamlined workflows and automation.

Decoding Amazon's A9 Algorithm for Product Ranking

“With Trellis, I finally have all my data in one place. I'm able to make better decisions and automate the implementation of those decisions.”

Tobi Odunaiya, CEO from Luxe Weavers

Trellis meets you where you are

Powering merchandising optimization at every stage.

Step into the future of marketplace merchandising.